Need to catch up on a few things. Since leaving Puerto Iguazu in Argentina we traveled to the town of El Dorado, but on the way we stopped at a posh hotel to check it out. I think I know where my next getaway will be. We arrive in El Dorado and its just after Argentina won its first World Cup game and tons of people are in the streets waving flags, honking horns, and everybody is wearing an Argentina jersey. Nima and I stay with a nice family and Rod and Tim stay with a German family, in different houses. We go out to a horse ranch and ride horse, drink mate and have some snacks. The ranch is awesome, out in the county just how a ranch should be. We go to a nice dinner that night, its just an informal gathering.
The next morning we board a bus and head to Posadas, Argentina where we are met by some Rotarians that drive us across the border to Encarnacion, Paraguay. They put us up in hotel because they think we might be tired of staying with families, not true, but we go along. Once we get checked in we call our best friend in Encarnacion, Belen (from Team 4845)! She comes out to meet us and takes us on a nice tour of the city and we get to meet her family, very cool, and of course they are a great family. We have another nice informal dinner at one of the Rotarians house, everybody is so kind! Belen, the sweetheart she is brings us all Paraguay World Cup jerseys, we love Belen!
This morning (monday) we eat breakfast and go out to the Jesuit Ruins, "Ruinas Jesuiticas", built in 1720. Belen once again is our tour guide, well sort of, she translates from the real tour guide. Really cool, and an amazing sight. We have lunch with some Rotarians out in some smaller towns outside of Encarnacion. The area has a strong agriculture economy based mainly on soy and mate. It is causing some problems with the aquifer, acuifero Guarani, one of the largest aquifers in the world. We visit with the University where we hear about studies on the aquifer, there is much work to be done and I think I might have found potential work, very exciting. They are very eager to receive professional help. Just have to see what happens.
Afterwards we go to Roberto's house and catch the second half of the Paraguay World Cup match against Italy and there are a bunch of people there. Today was declared a national holiday due to the match and everybody is wearing their Paraguay jerseys. Tonight we have a presentation with all of the Rotary clubs here (3). We love it in Paraguay! We leave tomorrow to Corrientes Argentina, we think? There is something exciting about not knowing exactly what is going on and what we are doing! We are looking forward to seeing our friends in Corrientes (Albertina, Ana, Grima, and Gustavo from Resistencia)!
Neil, you're looking very comfortable drinking your mate, wearing Paraguayan football jerseys, riding on your ranch, hanging out with cute latinas.... are you coming back or staying down there?
Maybe I´ll stay, actually Nima and I are just trying to figure out how to come back, so we´ll have to see what happens. We wish you were here too!